Saturday, December 27, 2008


Today we went down to my mom and dad's. It was a pretty good time. Spent most of the morning with them and playing with my niece Sydney. I can not believe how big she is getting! I really wish they lived closer! But soon we won't even have time for the people around here! Later on Lynn, Jim, Chase, and Parker came in and we all opened presents. Chase and Parker are so full of energy they exhaust me!
Later Brian left for work and we went down to Vic and Joan's for the Stratman Christmas. All I have to say... WONDERFUL FOOD!!!! It didn't seem that there were that many people there this year. There are a lot of kids but it just seemed that the basement wasn't as full as it has been in past years. It was also sad that this was the first Christmas without our Aunt Becky's laugh filling the room. She wasn't there, but she was not forgotten! Grandma not being there was strange too. In years past she would always sit at the table by the door with all kinds of people around her taking their turn talking and catching up. I just remember her always saying how good Mom's taffy was and Joan's caramels.
Anyway on a happier note. Their was really good food! :) The babies liked it alot!
Brian starts day shift at work in January. This makes me happy! Although he won't have weekends off... He will be home every night! I'll get to see him more and won't be alone every night! Maybe we can get somewhat of a social life back until these babies get here!
So I guess that is really all I have to say tonight! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday!
Leslie :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Hello! So Brian says that I should start one of these... I guess I should start by telling you a little about us... Right now we are trying to work on our house. Our basement flooded when we got all the rain due to the stupid hurricanes. We don't know where the water came from it was just there one day. We tore all the carpet out got the floor done. It looks awesome by the way! Concrete staining is sooo the way to go! We also had to cut out the drywall in the laundry room and from one wall in the basement. Lucky it was a short wall, But now we are trying to find someone to help put the drywall back up, and put the stupid texture on the wall without costing us an arm in the leg. We have got to get that done before we can move the crap back into the basement. We have to get the stuff out of the garage to get the stuff out of our spare room to make room for out babies that will be here in May! Yep babies! We found out on December 16th that we are having a girl and a boy! We have known since ooh about week 5 that we were having two but just found out the sexes. We are really excited! Well, Brian is really excited, I'm terrified and excited! Having one baby is terrifying enough we are going to have two! Two screaming, demanding, hungry, little bundles of joy! Holy crap!

But anyway, I thought a good way to keep family and friends updated on our family and the babies would be to start a blog that way if I keep up with it like I plan to... They can just get on here and read and be instantly updated! Hopefully I can figure out how to do this all! I figure if Lynn can figure it out I should be able to! :) (Just kidding Lynn!)

Anyway, so, I'm 21 weeks pregnant tomorrow. They are kicking like crazy! They aren't kicking hard enough to hurt yet. I think they atually got into a fight the other day. I told Brian that his children were fighting the other day and all he was interested in was "Who kicked who's ass?" Typical boy! So anyway, that is really all I have to say right now...