Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pictures! Finally!!!! Sorry everyone!

it's been a long time!

Sorry it has been so long! I actually forgot about this! Life has been crazy the past few months! Sooo let's see... what has been going on...?
Well, the babies are here and doing great. They are getting so big! I can't believe it will be 6 months in just a couple weeks! Yes that's how long it has been since I updated this thing!

Brian is a chunk! he is 16 pounds and wants to eat anything and everything! He gives us this look when he sees we have food. Like if I could figure this walking thing out, I would sooo come steal that from you! He has also mastered the art of spitting... Yes, on a daily basis, I'm covered in some sort of baby food.... It's wonderful let me tell ya!

Catie, she is like 12 pounds. So small and dainty! She doesn't eat quite as much as Brian but, still likes to eat! She is such a good baby! Happy most of the time! I just wish we could get her to sleep all night! It's getting better though, most of the time we are down to her getting up once a night around 2:30-3:30 then again around 5-6 so not so bad. I'm usually up by then anyway with the little kids I babysit anyway.

I am getting ready to start school again. I've been thru one semester since I've had the babies. Twice a week from 8-10:30, I must say, I was iffy about taking an in seat class, but I actually enjoy the time away! Does that make me a bad mom? I think it is good for Brian to spend some one on one, well, I guess one on two time with the babies... :)

Anyway, Other then them growing like crazy that's pretty much it... I will try to do a better job keeping this updated! Hope everyone is well!
Lots of love!
Brian, Leslie, Catie, & Brian III

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So it has been over a month since I have posted anything! My how the time has gone! So much has happened in the last month! The babies are here! Yes I know the count down thing is still on the top of the page... I don't know how to get it off of here... It is really strange typing! I haven't done that in over a month either! Our charger for the computer broke so we haven't had the Internet other than on my IPhone.

Well, the babies are here! My are they spoiled! Wow! They don't sleep to bad, usually wake up around 3am and then once they finally go back to sleep, they sleep until about 6 or 7. They have their daddy twisted around their finger! Especially Catie!
I have decided with the help of Lynn, to call Brian III- J or Jay I haven't decided yet. It goes with "Jake"- that's what Brian II wants him called... Plus it gives him his own name...
anyway they are both starting to get cranky so I will have to add pictures a little later! Just wanted to post something while I had a little time! :) Hope everyone is well!
Brian, Leslie, Catie, & JAKE!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another day down...

So 4 days... The babies will be here in 4 days. I can't believe it... I'm so ready, well I'm ready to not be pregnant any more. I don't really know what else to say. The thought of having them here terifying! In less than 4 days, I'm going from 0 kids to 2. Wow! It is a little surreal. Anyway, I don't know if I will post again for a little while with the babies coming and all. I don't really have much to say tonight. So I guess that's it for now. Talk to you later.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby Update!

So we had an appointment on Wednesday. It was miserable! But we were told if we were ok with it, If the babies don't come before they will induce on May 4. So just a few more days and we will get to meet our babies! YaY!!!
On Thursday we FINALLY got the replacement part for the changing table! After over a month, and two hateful e-mails, and a voice message! We finally go it!
Anyway, that's really all for the update... Not much going on just waiting...
Talk to you all later

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm a cow!

37 Weeks 1 day pregnant! Man I'm a cow!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

37 weeks friday!

Hello everyone! So we had another appointment today. The ultrasound was really tough! She had a really hard time seeing who was who since they are so smooshed! But they still got all 2s on the biophysical profile. They are now estimated to weigh… Catie 6 pounds 6 oz. and Brian 6 pounds 2 oz. So I have almost 13 pounds of baby in me! Holy cow! They did a pretty good job on the heart monitoring this week too once we finally found the heart beats. That only took about 30 minutes usually takes about an hour or longer. I did eat a Twix for breakfast though… And took a couple swigs of Brian's Coke to give them a little caffeine! Maybe that's what woke them up a little bit and got them moving! We are 37 weeks on Friday! "Full Term" they will no longer be considered Preemies!
Dr. Stephens did ask how I felt about inducing today. He said he would do it if we wanted to but usually not before 39 weeks. I like the idea of being in control, but I want them to be able to cook as long as possible! He said we would hit on the issue again at the appointment next Wednesday, if we make it to that point.
He did check me today. I'm only dilated to about 2 cm. But, that's a start I guess… We will see how much longer I can hold out! Other than being really really tired and crampy I feel pretty good. It is hard for me to get up and down anymore but I still think I'm doing pretty good all things considered!
Anyway, that's the update for this week! We'll see if I make it to next Wednesday or if you all get a midnight call from Brian sometime this week! :)
Talk to you later,

Friday, April 10, 2009

another week down!

So we are 36 weeks today. Dr. Stephens said that if we make it 10 more days (as of Wednesday) they will be considered full term! I never thought we would make it this long! I'm pretty impressed with myself! Everyone said that I'd be on bed rest by now. But my blood pressure has been really good the whole time, and I haven't had that must swelling. My hands and feet are a little, but not to bad. So we now have 8 days until they are considered "Full Term". Other than being pretty miserable, I'm feeling pretty good! It hurts to move. I never thought putting on pant was such a chore! But to pick up my legs, oh my gosh! The people I work with was so sure that they would come last night. It was a full moon. No such luck. A part of me wants them out! I just want to meet them already. Another part of me wants them to stay in because it scares me to death to think that we are going to be responsible for two little helpless lives. Plus it is a major accomplishment to carry twin full term.
We are STILL waiting on the top piece for the changing table... I think if I remember I'm going to have Brian call the guy back tonight to have them check on it. They said they were shipping it to our house. He ordered the part for us on Monday and it still isn't here. It only took 3 days to get the whole order to the store! I would think it would take less time to send a single piece to our house!
Anyway, this weekend I'm not doing much of anything... I don't think I'm even going to mom and dad's for Easter. That's just to far to go. I get so tired so fast plus I don't want to be that far away from the hospital just in case. I know I'd get back in plenty of time but I'm a pessimist, I always think the worse...
Anyway, that is all we really have going on right now. Just waiting for these babies to decide they want to meet the world. We have another doctor appointment on Wednesday. We get to find out how big they are then! I'm pretty excited about that, if we don't get to meet them first! :)
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!
Have a great day,
Leslie :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ho Hum...

32 days to go until 40 weeks! Wow I can't believe I made it this long! Everyone was sure that I would be on bed rest by now. My blood pressure has been good the whole time, and I have gained 26 pounds as of last Wednesday. Still under my 30 pounds that the Doctor said I could gain.

Well, we are still waiting for the top piece of the changing table. The top part of the hutch had the holes drilled wrong so the piece that attached to the front to make it pretty would be on the back. So Brian called and told the people about it. They said they would send a replacement piece. We called JC Penny to check on it and they didn't even see that he had talked to anyone. So after 3 days of working with this guy... They are sending it to our house. So they say. We will see if it gets here in a couple days. Then the room will be good to go!

I got the car seats out of the boxes this weekend and got them all set up and ready to go. They are so cute! :)
Now the only thing that I really want done before the babies get here is the carpet cleaned in the living room. We have a friend's carpet cleaner we just have to move everything out of the living room and do it... Maybe we will try to do that on Wednesday after the doctor appointment...
Anyway, We have another appointment on Wednesday. We will see how that goes, and Thursday is a full moon... We'll see if there is any truth behind that! :) Brian doesn't believe it, but I have been told by many many people there is a whole lot of truth behind it! The 10th of April is the day that I wanted to make it to but I would settle for the 9th! Anyway, that's about it for now. Have a good day! Leslie :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shower Pictures

Here are a couple pictures of the shower. We are working on getting the changing table put together. It is much more of a job than I think Brian thought it would be! Today is day two of putting it together. Brian got the bottom part done last night, tonight is the hutch part! Anyway, hope everyone is well! Talk to you later :) Leslie :)

Friday, March 27, 2009


34 weeks! After today the doctor will let me go into labor! The babies could be here any time! How exciting! We get to pick up our changing table today! Yaa! I'm really excited. Once we get that in their room is done! I'm starting to feel more confident that we are ready for these little babies. I'd still like to keep them in for a couple more weeks just to give them a little more time to bake! :) We do still need to get their bed finished. We will have to build a piece to fit the hole where the two cribs come together that the regular mattresses don't reach. But I have faith it will all come together! They will probably stay in our room for a little while anyway. Just so they are at easy reach for feeding.

Man, I'm sleepy! I was up to late last night watching the MU game... It was a good one! I took a little nap after work, But the Brian got out of the shower and thought I was awake and started talking and woke me up. Ok, then I went back to sleep and Plato came in and had the carpet cleaner and him clanking that thing around woke me up. So after that I gave up on my nap. it was nice while it lasted! It's Friday, other than clean a little I don't plan on doing much of anything! So maybe I can catch up on some much needed sleep. I doubt it! I'll probably wake up and not be able to force myself to go back to sleep.

Anyway, that's all that's going on now. I do still plan on posting shower pictures... Maybe someday! :)
Have a great day!
Leslie :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Sooo Tired! I think if I were in bed right now I could sleep for days! Probably not since I don't sleep more than a couple hours at a time as it is but dang it I'd love to try!

My shoes are really really tight today... I'm swelling up pretty good. But it is Wednesday... After today two more days and it's the weekend! Yaa Relax time!

We did order the changing table last night! Should be here Friday after 4:30! So once we get that and get it put together their room is officially ready for them! :)

3 days! Counting today and then they could be here any time! Anyway, my lunch hour is over. I might get pictures up tonight who knows! :)
Have a great day, Leslie :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baby Update!

We had another Appointment today. It went well, the babies are growing right on track! Cady is 4 pounds 11 oz and Brian is 4 pounds 7 oz. As of today we have 4 days until they will let me go if I go into labor. I still think I have a couple more weeks in me... I hope! They don't want to move as much as before. I think it is just because they really are out of room! I have 9 pounds of baby in me!
Other than the appointment, I think we have been everywhere looking for a changing table that will fit our needs. I want something with doors and storage. You wouldn't think that would be so much to ask for! Wrong! Brian found one online that we both like, but it costs more than I really wanted to spend. But I think we will probably just break down and spend the extra money and get what we want.
There really isn't much going on. I'm not in school right now so I don't have that taking up my time. Mom came up last weekend and we organized my kitchen and it is amazing! We have a whole cabinet cleaned out for bottles, baby food, and what ever else baby we need in the kitchen! All i have to do now is clean the floor in there and it is done. There is random baby stuff through out the living room. I just don't know where to put some of it!
Anyway, that's really all that's going on. My goal is to get some of the shower pictures up either tonight or tomorrow maybe. But there are no promises! :) Hope everyone is doing well! Have a great night :) Leslie (:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Crib is here!!!!

So the crib is huge! But it isn't really any bigger than two cribs would be... Our room is quite a bit smaller than the one it is in at the grandparents' house... But it is beautiful! I'm so excited! That's our first piece of actual baby furniture! Although Brian's rocking chair isn't going to fit in there... But still it is amazing!

Grandpa J. Posing with his amazing creation!
The proud daddy putting the crib together!

Almost all together!

Done! Isn't it amazingly Beautiful!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Diaper cake. Isn't it sooo stinking cute! This is from Tess, Marty, and Ava. Brian's Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin in San Diego.

These are hooded bath towels. From My aunt Joan, Jenny, Sarah, Erin, Beth

A blanket my mom made

This one is of my nephew Chase's present to me. He drew a picture and then wrapped it all by himself. He was so proud! To cute!

The cake made by my cousin Beth

soo tired!

I don't know what the deal is. I have never had a problem sleeping! It isn't that I'm uncomfortable, I mean yeah at times I am when I'm in bed but most of the time I can find my comfy spot. But I just lay there with my eyes closed wanting to sleep so bad! Brian has no problem sleeping why do I!?!?! Gosh!
Anyway, enough complaining, I'll sleep soon enough maybe...

We had our first shower this weekend at my mom and dad's house. It was quite successful! We got a lot of great stuff! My cousin Nicole brought all her bottles and a bunch of random baby stuff. Lets just say I'm set on bottles! She also gave me her breast pump. Just gave it to me! I will be forever in debt to her! Holy cow!

Babies room:
We have got everything done in the babies room but the yellow polka dots. Just a couple more touch ups on them and we are good to go! We are going to work this week and get everything out of that room that doesn't need to be there. I might work on the dots I might just wait for Sonya to do it because she is much more crafty than I am. I think when it comes to touching up polka dots, it really helps if you can actually draw a decent looking circle... Just my thought though. :)
We went around this weekend looking for something to use as a changing table/dresser but didn't find anything! I'm really disappointed! We need something for a little extra storage in there. To store diapers and wipes and all that sort of stuff. K-mart and Target had this one really pretty table, it had a couple drawers and and then a door on it but it was almost $300! I don't want to spend that much! Guess we will do without! I'll figure something out, I hope!

We have this week and next and then we are technically to the point where they won't stop me if I go into labor! How crazy is that?! I'm feeling pretty good... Other than my legs get tired really fast. I think I still have a good 4 weeks left. But lots can change over night I have found out! I'm still going for the 36 weeks though. I think we can make it to at least 36 weeks.

Well I have already said more than I had planned on! I'll hopefully get the pictures from the shower and maybe some of the room tonight. Hope everyone is well, Have a good day, Leslie :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not much

So not much is going on. Went to the doctor again yesterday. Babies got 2s on the biophysical profile (highest they could get) They are still growing. Other than my ribs are killing me from coughing so hard and so much things are going pretty good. We have our first shower this weekend. I'm pretty excited about it! Sunday Sonya is coming over and we are finishing the touch ups on the babies' room and then it's done! All it needs is the stuff to put in it! I'll post pics of the shower and the finished product as soon as I can! Hope everyone is doing well! Talk to ya later :) Leslie

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So I didn't get to take off on Wednesday like I had planned. And I was sick throwing up on Thursday, so i was home sick and didn't do much of anything, then Friday I took off 1/2 day and got all the polka dots on the wall! I just have a little touching up to do and their room is done! YaY! Then Saturday I got sick again and I have been fighting that ever since! Man it is a killer! I think I either broke or pulled a rib from coughing so hard. It is miserable! And the worst part is you can't take anything! We have another appointment tomorrow I thought I'd talk to them and see if there is any prescription antibiotic that I can take, before I waste the money going to the doctor and they give me something that Dr. Stephens doesn't want me to take. We have made it this far without much of a problem I don't want to start anything up now!
We are in week 32 of the pregnancy now, Hard to believe that in two weeks if I go into labor they won't stop it. Our babies could be here in two weeks! Wow! I'm still going for 36 weeks though!
Our last appointment went pretty well for the most part. The ultrasound went well. Catie was 3 pounds 9 oz and Brian was 3 pounds 7 oz. And got 2s on the biophysical profile. Mom got to go to that one and she was way excited about it. I'm glad she got to go to one. I knew she really wanted to go. Jes is going with us tomorrow.
I did think I was going to pass out during the monitoring though... I guess you could call it a hot flash... The only way I could describe it was, it was like the feeling of the one time I almost passed out giving blood. This instant rush of heat starting at the tip of your head rushing to your toes. It was bad, I couldn't decide if I wanted to throw up or pass out. I hope I don't do that again tomorrow...
Anyway other than working on the finishing touches on the babies room and I have got to clean my house It is the worst I have ever seen it! Just gross! Seriously. But I have been sick and being pregnant makes you tired! Saturday I have my first baby shower. I hope I'm feeling better than I do right now! Maybe Sunday I can bribe my mom into coming up and helping me clean... I don't know what I'll bribe her with. But I'll think of something... Anyway that's pretty much all for now. I'll hopefully find time to post about the appointment tomorrow!
Hope everyone is well have a good night! Leslie :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

not much...

Work: Boring

House: So close to being done I can taste it, just not done!

School: Last week for a while! Ya! I can't wait to not have homework to do! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!

Babies: Moving like crazy! They just need to stay in there a little while longer! I'm shooting for 36 weeks! We have another appointment on Wednesday, we get to see how big they are! We are pretty excited about that.

Randomness: I think I'm just going to take Wednesday off. We are quickly running out of time to get stuff done! I can clean a little, finish the polka dots and we can hopefully get the trim done down stairs!

Anyway, That's all for now. Have a great day!
Leslie :o)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Worked on the babies' room today. Our friends, Brian and Amanda Jenkins came over. Amanda worked on the babies room with me. That's her below working on polka dots.

Brian and Brian worked on the laundry room. Or friend Plato helped out down stairs too. They got the walls painted, The one strip of green on the top and the trim in there where the coating and the dry wall meet up will be the same green. And the trim on the bottom will be green too. I haven't tried my washer and dryer out but I'm way excited about them being in! I might have to go buy the drawer to set them up on because it is really low to the ground. I don't know if I will be able to get in to the washer to get the clothes out... I was having trouble getting them out of the old dryer... But anyway. I can't use them until we get the hooks. We weren't planning on stacking them, but then Brian took down the shelf in there to paint so I figure might as well stack them! Make a little more room in there! I didn't remember that you have to have hooks to make it stable... I'm not sure. Anyway those pictures are below...

So, another freak out moment... We had a doctors appointment today. The babies did very well. We got all 2's on the Bio-physical profile. That's the ultrasound, when they check the breathing, (make sure their chests are moving up and down) The heart is beating, the fluid levels are good, and they are moving. (2 is the highest they can score!) Then, we had the fetal monitoring. We sat in the chair and they are getting big enough, to where when they move they can really only go back to the same spot they were in...
Dr. Stephens said that even though I didn't gain any weight that week, the babies defiantly grew! He said IF we make it 4 more weeks we will be doing good. Holy cow! He really put it in to perspective for me that twins usually come early and in all reality we only have a couple weeks left! HOLY SHIT! I really hope we make it through March! All the showers are in March! We have to have the showers! We don't have anything!
So anyway, I guess that's the info. I'll try to scan the ultrasound pictures and see if they turn out. They really are getting big so you can't really see much... But we will see. If it turns out I'll post them on here.
Anyway, have a good night!
Leslie :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ugh! That's all I can say! God is obviously not a woman! If he were a she... She would have made the whole pregnancy thing more fair! Here you carry the kid for have the time and then it's the man's turn! I am so freaking exhausted it is unreal! I'm so tired at night, but as soon as I get into bed I can't sleep. So I drag ass all day because I got maybe 2 hours of sleep the night before. The only time I get decent sleep is on the weekend after Brian gets up to go to work. I don't know, maybe it's him. I can't sleep, so I lay in bed listening to him breathing or snoring some nights... Then my mind gets mad because he can sleep any where any time and I'm exhausted and can't sleep. Ugh! It's not fair!

We have a busy weekend coming up! Actually the next few weekends are going to be busy... This weekend we have Erin and Ethan's reception thing in Vienna, that morning mom is coming up and we are going baby shopping for her gift for us at the shower, and it is the Polar Bear plunge. Brian was actually going to try to get over his fear of water by doing the plunge this year... But he got denied for the day off. Stupid DOC scheduled some training so hardly anyone could get off. He did go Kiyaking last weekend though. I'm pretty proud of him for that! He is getting there... He didn't drown or break a phone, that's a major plus!

After our doctor appointment tomorrow, Brian and his friend Brian, (see there are to many Brians in my life and He wants to bring another one! Another UGH!) Are going to work on the laundry room. Hopefully get that mostly done. He is going to paint it so it doesn't look so funny with the new wall being different. We picked out the paint last night. Hopefully he gets that done so we can get my new washer and dryer in there. I'm not doing any more laundry until I get it in there. I'm out of soap and the HE washers take a different soap.

After this weekend it is MARCH ALREADY! Holy cow! March is the Month of showers! the 14th, my sisters are throwing one, the 20th is my dad's birthday! FYI, and my work people are throwing me a shower, I believe that's the date they set, then that Sunday the 22 is my friends shower. Then somewhere in there Brian's sister Jes is planning one. Whew! Busy month. I just hope I can still walk! It is getting harder and harder. Somewhere in there we have to find room to finish the babies' room so when we get all our great gifts we can put them where they belong instead of just in the basement! So much to do so little time! Anyway, I think that's all I have for now. Will hopefully get more pictures of the babies up soon. Should have some new ones tomorrow! YaY! Have a great day! Leslie :o)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pictures of the Babies!!!!

This is the crowns of both their heads. They are both head down. A is Catie, B is Brian III. Brian is still sitting pretty high in my tummy but Catie is pretty low.
These are all of Catie. She's looking at you. The top one is the best. I think she was moving on the 2nd two. She has her little fist by her chin. You can just see her chubby little cheeks.
These are all of Brian, He's looking at you too. You can see his face about the middle and his tummy if you look towards your left, his spine is at the bottom.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So, we had another appointment last Wednesday. The babies were both 2.5 pounds. Doing very well. We did the heart rate monitoring where they strap this belt around me with these two round things to pick up the heart beats. That was tough! We had to keep one on one baby and one on the other and in the mean time make sure I didn't pick up my own heart rate! Plus they don't like to be told to sit still! So they were moving all over the place! Brian watched the monitor and had to tell me every time we lost one, then I had to move around and find it back.
Also had the glucose test. It really was not as bad as I had myself prepared for! It did taste like flat Sunkist soda. That was a relief! I guess I'll find out tomorrow if I passed that...
Other than that, Sonya came over yesterday and we worked on the babies' room. We got everything touched up. All the stripes are touched up and I started to draw the polka dots! Yaa!! I got the long wall drawn! I don't know if I will have the energy to work on it this week or not.
My stomach is really starting to hurt now. Along with my ribs, and just about everything else. Getting harder to breath too, I guess they are fighting for space in there and moving around putting pressure on everything. If you think about it I have a 5 pound baby in side of me! That's pretty much a full term baby right now and I still have 11 weeks left! Last week I was all optimistic thinking that this wasn't going so bad and that I really thought I could make it to the 40 weeks. Now... I'm starting to doubt myself. Kim said she started to feel it at about 28 weeks... Right on Kimmy! But I'm going to hold out as long as I can. If it comes to me being miserable, or them inducing, I'll take being miserable. I want my babies to cook as long as they can. I hope I can keep working though... I really need to work as long as I can. I'm worried about being put on bed rest with my legs going numb and weak like they do. I'm also starting to get worried if I'm going to make it to the showers that my friends and family have planed for us. I guess we will just take it day by day...
Anyway, I guess that's it for now! I hope to get some more pictures posted soon!
Have a great day everyone! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

more pictures


So, the babies' room is almost done! I started to pull a couple pieces of tape off last night just to see what the stripes looked like. Then Brian got involved and we ended up getting all the tape off the walls! It looks so good! I'm so excited. Because we have the stupid textured walls in the house we will have to do quite a bit of touch ups because the tape wasn't as secure due to the stupid bubbles on the wall. But it still looks really really good! I'll have to get the latest pictures posted.

We have another appointment on Wednesday (Feb 11). I'm pretty excited because it has been 4 weeks since we have gotten to see the babies! I'm also kind of nervous. I hope to find out that they have moved and are now side by side long ways. They were vertical in my belly. Because it makes me nervous that I don't think I feel Catherine very much at all. I hope nothing is wrong. Brian, well, let's just say he holds up to the name! Takes after his father I can already tell! Sleeps quite a bit and then is full of energy! Kicks the crap out of me and probaby his sister too I'm sure! We were playing last night. It was fun. I'd push on my stomach and he'd push back. Then he'd push and I'd push back. I miss that with Catherine... I can't find her! She is so low and back so far that we don't get to play. :( Unless they have moved... I don't know I'm confused! This whole two baby thing is confusing! I'm 28 weeks Friday. Wow 12 more weeks and I'm at 40 weeks. That is if I make it that long! I hope grandpa J gets done with the crib soon! Since it is odd shaped, we will have to make the pad and the sheets our self. This is where we got the idea...

It is really cool because once they get to big for a crib the front comes off and the sides shorten and it becomes like a sectional couch thing... Pretty cool I think!

Anyways, I'll hopefully get more pictures of thier room posted soon. Plus an update on how everyone is doing after Wednesday's appointment.
Talk to everyone later! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Baby room in progress!

Even though my grandma isn't here any more, her little stool is helping us get ready for our babies!