Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Getting started

Green is done!!!
On to the Blue

On to the stripes! Seriously started to rethink things when we got to the stripes! Still working on getting the tape up!

Hopefully I can find the energy to work on it this week sometime to finish the stripes then we can paint them this weekend. The work on the poka dots! Then we are DONE!!! YAAAAAA!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


So I'm much much less stressed out right now. Probably the least stressed out I have been in ohh say 6 months! Sonya came over on Sunday and busted butt and she painted almost the whole babies' room! She is SUPER WOMAN! She painted and I worked on the tape! So I started to seriously rethink the idea of stripes! Holy cow that is taking forever! But It is going to look sooo good once they are done! I'm so excited! While we were up stairs working on their room. Brian and Derrick (Sonya's Husband) were down stairs working on my laundry room! We got walls! YAAAA! All that is left down there now is to do the trip where the old wall and the new wall meets. Then Brian thinks he is going to paint the laundry room. (We'll see if that gets done.) It would be nice but I don't know if it will ever become reality... So all in all Sunday was a very productive day! I'm way stoked! I'm thinking we can get the babies' room done this weekend. Then maybe the trim down stairs done through the week or the weekend after that. Plus Brian and I will actually have February 12th off together so maybe we can get the rest of it done that day or that weekend.

I'll get pictures of the house hopefully posted in the next couple days. I'm so excited for everyone to see it! I'm ready for it to be done!

I can not believe that there is only 102 days left until my due date! Holy cow! The weight gain has begun I'm pretty sure! I'm afraid what they are going to say on Wednesday when we go to the doctor... It isn't like I eat really bad. I mean yeah I have my moments, but all in all I eat pretty healthy I think. I have two hungry babies inside of me! I mean come on have you ever seen their daddy eat!??! I think that's enough said right there! Anyway, I think that's it for now. TaTa for now! Leslie :o)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hello again!
Exciting news! I THINK I have everything bought now that we need to finish the house! Basement and all. Everything but the trim. But trim is the very last thing you put up anyway so I'm not to worried about that. I can't wait to have walls in my laundry room. Brian and I went to Lowes last night and bought the wall stuff. Now we just have to get it hung up and the bathroom put back together. I should be getting my new washer and dryer here in the next few days I hope! And windows some time next month as well!
I am 25 weeks today! in 6 days we will have less than 100 days left until the due date! HOOOLY COOW!!
This weekend I'm serious about busting butt around the house! Brian finally got the first coat of white paint on the wall in the babies' room. I think I'm going to work on the 2nd coat and get the lines marked off this weekend. I'm sure if the window is open and the fan is going it will be fine. Maybe a little cold... The paint doesn't have a very stron oder at all. Sunday Sonya might come over and help out. We are now thinking about maybe doing stripes on the bottom solid on the top and where we were going to put a chair rail in the middle maybe putting up a kind of border and doing polka dots in the color of the stripes. I'm sure I can find just plain white border for cheap and the use left over paint from the walls to make the dots on it. That's my goal this weekend is to figure out how to do that...
So anyways... Big plans for this weekend. My belly has really grown in the last week. And they are kicking like crazy! I think they are kicking each other because they are running out of room! Total they should be almost 5 pounds I think. So I have as much baby inside of me as some people give birth to! And I still have 3 months to go. What does that tell ya!??! HOOLY COOOW!!! I must have gained weight because Brian said I was fat last night! Butt head! I know it came out of his mouth with love... So time has seemed to slow down. It isn't going near as fast as the first 20 weeks. But I guess that is probably a good thing since we are seriously not ready! Anyway, I should probably get off of here... My little girl is telling me that my bladder is cramping her style! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! And if you aren't doing anything this weekend you can come help me paint! :)
Have a great day! Leslie

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lets Try this out...

Ok so here is my attempt to figure out how to add pictures... The only pictures I have right now are pictures of our floor in the basement after we had it redone... So here we go...

Holy cow I did it! Wow that wasn't that hard! So this is after they put down the first coat. They are putting tape down to mark off the pattern that we want. Doesn't look like anything special right now but wait until you see the finished product!

This is the first color on top of the tape.

Ok so there are like 4 more steps but I'm tired of fighting and deleteing my picture on accident and dragging it back to where it needs to be so I'm skipping to the finished product!!
OK are you ready for this!?!?! Dunt DuH Duuuuuuunnnnn.......

It is a little more red/brickish in this picture than it really is... But it looks awsome! And this is dry. I know it looks wet but it really isn't! It looks like this all the time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hello! It has been a couple weeks since I have posted anything! Once because our computer crashed and I couldn't remember how to get back here... Anyway... What's new??? Well we had another Doctor's appointment on Tuesday (Jan. 13). We had an ultrasound and met with Dr. Stephens. We are still having a boy and a girl, a Brian and a Catherine.

Mom came up on monday and got me motivated! We cleaned out thier room. My living room looks like a tornado went through it but the babies' room is clean! Brian started painting thier room today! Aunt Jes came over and pitched in! I'll try to figure out how to post pictures in progress... We, well Brian is painting the room white for right now. We are going to put up a chair rail and do stripes on the bottom then 3 of the 4 walls will be a green color and then on the 4th wall it will be blue. Not a boy blue but a darker blue. I don't know. I'll just have to figure out how to get pictures on this thing once I take some...

Anyway back to the doctor appointment... They are both doing very very well! They are a little over 12 inches. Brian is just a smidge bigger. Catherine is 1.3 pounds and Brian 1.4. We are now on 2 week status at the doctor. We go back on the 28th. We don't get to have an ultrasound done that day though. :( Then the appointment after that I have the dreaded glucose test. Yuck! It is hard to believe that I am in my 24th week. This is going by really fast! I'm so afraid that they will be here before we are ready. Guess we will have to deal huh!?
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll try to figure out how to post pictures... Try the key word!