Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another day down...

So 4 days... The babies will be here in 4 days. I can't believe it... I'm so ready, well I'm ready to not be pregnant any more. I don't really know what else to say. The thought of having them here terifying! In less than 4 days, I'm going from 0 kids to 2. Wow! It is a little surreal. Anyway, I don't know if I will post again for a little while with the babies coming and all. I don't really have much to say tonight. So I guess that's it for now. Talk to you later.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby Update!

So we had an appointment on Wednesday. It was miserable! But we were told if we were ok with it, If the babies don't come before they will induce on May 4. So just a few more days and we will get to meet our babies! YaY!!!
On Thursday we FINALLY got the replacement part for the changing table! After over a month, and two hateful e-mails, and a voice message! We finally go it!
Anyway, that's really all for the update... Not much going on just waiting...
Talk to you all later

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm a cow!

37 Weeks 1 day pregnant! Man I'm a cow!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

37 weeks friday!

Hello everyone! So we had another appointment today. The ultrasound was really tough! She had a really hard time seeing who was who since they are so smooshed! But they still got all 2s on the biophysical profile. They are now estimated to weigh… Catie 6 pounds 6 oz. and Brian 6 pounds 2 oz. So I have almost 13 pounds of baby in me! Holy cow! They did a pretty good job on the heart monitoring this week too once we finally found the heart beats. That only took about 30 minutes usually takes about an hour or longer. I did eat a Twix for breakfast though… And took a couple swigs of Brian's Coke to give them a little caffeine! Maybe that's what woke them up a little bit and got them moving! We are 37 weeks on Friday! "Full Term" they will no longer be considered Preemies!
Dr. Stephens did ask how I felt about inducing today. He said he would do it if we wanted to but usually not before 39 weeks. I like the idea of being in control, but I want them to be able to cook as long as possible! He said we would hit on the issue again at the appointment next Wednesday, if we make it to that point.
He did check me today. I'm only dilated to about 2 cm. But, that's a start I guess… We will see how much longer I can hold out! Other than being really really tired and crampy I feel pretty good. It is hard for me to get up and down anymore but I still think I'm doing pretty good all things considered!
Anyway, that's the update for this week! We'll see if I make it to next Wednesday or if you all get a midnight call from Brian sometime this week! :)
Talk to you later,

Friday, April 10, 2009

another week down!

So we are 36 weeks today. Dr. Stephens said that if we make it 10 more days (as of Wednesday) they will be considered full term! I never thought we would make it this long! I'm pretty impressed with myself! Everyone said that I'd be on bed rest by now. But my blood pressure has been really good the whole time, and I haven't had that must swelling. My hands and feet are a little, but not to bad. So we now have 8 days until they are considered "Full Term". Other than being pretty miserable, I'm feeling pretty good! It hurts to move. I never thought putting on pant was such a chore! But to pick up my legs, oh my gosh! The people I work with was so sure that they would come last night. It was a full moon. No such luck. A part of me wants them out! I just want to meet them already. Another part of me wants them to stay in because it scares me to death to think that we are going to be responsible for two little helpless lives. Plus it is a major accomplishment to carry twin full term.
We are STILL waiting on the top piece for the changing table... I think if I remember I'm going to have Brian call the guy back tonight to have them check on it. They said they were shipping it to our house. He ordered the part for us on Monday and it still isn't here. It only took 3 days to get the whole order to the store! I would think it would take less time to send a single piece to our house!
Anyway, this weekend I'm not doing much of anything... I don't think I'm even going to mom and dad's for Easter. That's just to far to go. I get so tired so fast plus I don't want to be that far away from the hospital just in case. I know I'd get back in plenty of time but I'm a pessimist, I always think the worse...
Anyway, that is all we really have going on right now. Just waiting for these babies to decide they want to meet the world. We have another doctor appointment on Wednesday. We get to find out how big they are then! I'm pretty excited about that, if we don't get to meet them first! :)
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!
Have a great day,
Leslie :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ho Hum...

32 days to go until 40 weeks! Wow I can't believe I made it this long! Everyone was sure that I would be on bed rest by now. My blood pressure has been good the whole time, and I have gained 26 pounds as of last Wednesday. Still under my 30 pounds that the Doctor said I could gain.

Well, we are still waiting for the top piece of the changing table. The top part of the hutch had the holes drilled wrong so the piece that attached to the front to make it pretty would be on the back. So Brian called and told the people about it. They said they would send a replacement piece. We called JC Penny to check on it and they didn't even see that he had talked to anyone. So after 3 days of working with this guy... They are sending it to our house. So they say. We will see if it gets here in a couple days. Then the room will be good to go!

I got the car seats out of the boxes this weekend and got them all set up and ready to go. They are so cute! :)
Now the only thing that I really want done before the babies get here is the carpet cleaned in the living room. We have a friend's carpet cleaner we just have to move everything out of the living room and do it... Maybe we will try to do that on Wednesday after the doctor appointment...
Anyway, We have another appointment on Wednesday. We will see how that goes, and Thursday is a full moon... We'll see if there is any truth behind that! :) Brian doesn't believe it, but I have been told by many many people there is a whole lot of truth behind it! The 10th of April is the day that I wanted to make it to but I would settle for the 9th! Anyway, that's about it for now. Have a good day! Leslie :)