Sunday, August 22, 2010

Some more randomness

I don't really have much to say... Just thought I should check in! Starting week 3 of school! That means next week I'm half way through! Yaaaa!
Mom and dad kept the kids Friday night! It was strange not having them around! Very quiet! A much needed break though! Then we got the kids back Saturday when we went up to Parker's birthday party. Lynn did such a good job with his party! She is such a cool mom! She got this HUGE bounce house! Brian LOVED it! Catie wasn't to steady on her feet in it but B was jumping and having a great time! Then to many big kids got in it and that was just to dangerous for my taste so they had to get out! But it was fun while it lasted! Then we put them in the pool for a little while. They had fun! They were super tired by the time we were headed home. B was melting down and then screamed most of the way home from Boonville. It was a pretty miserable trip home! But I missed them!
Anyway, That's really all that has been going on! I seriously need to clean house but have no energy to do it! I've been working a little on the bathrooms so it's slowly getting there. I did some dishes tonight too.
We watched Chase, Parker, & Brayden tonight too. It was fun. They are pretty good kids! I wish we got to spend more time with them! But they live all the way in Boonville and that's a long way to drive when you have no money!
Alright, well that's pretty much a sum up of the weekend!
I think I will go to bed! Night all!

Monday, August 16, 2010

15 month Pictures

Ok so I know I want to Blow some of these up I'm thinking one of each kid, the family picture, and maybe one of the kids together... I LOVE the one with the both of them and the stairs and stuff in the background (the last one I think). But I need help deciding what ones to get big, and how big to get them! So please give me input!


Gosh! Things have been crazy around here! This is week 2 of school for me... UGH! Accounting, sucks! I'm taking that at the campus, much better than it was online... Might actually pass it this time! I HOPE! I'm also taking marketing online. It sucks too! I just don't comprehend the reading like they want me to I guess because the questions on the quizzes just do NOT make any sense to me! Anyway 7 more weeks.....
What else.... hummm... I seriously need to get some cleaning done! I need to go through crap and just throw away, sell, or donate some of this stuff! I have so much baby stuff... I can't decide if I want to keep it or sell it!
Still no word from the post office on Brian's job... Wish something would happen SOON!!
This weekend we had Brian's dad in town. The kids love him so much! And you can just tell he thinks the world of them! Brian's mom and brother and his girlfriend was here too. So needless to say we had a full house!
So I have tried everything to make the stupid gadget thing on here work... Trying to upload a slide show. No such luck... I don't know what I'm doing wrong it just isn't working! I wanted to make a slide show of the kids' 15 month pictures. I didn't want to have to upload them all. I tried to download a template to make a collage but ended up downloading something bad and my computer freaked out on me! Luckily it didn't mess anything up! I uninstalled the crap and it is back to normal mostly! Thank goodness!
Anyway, this weekend is our nephew Parker's birthday party he turned 4!I can't believe it! His big brother Chase starts school on Wednesday! That is crazy!
My birthday is next week... I'll be 26. I can not believe it! 26! That's like almost 30! Gesh! I'm a 26 year old, wife of almost 5 years (Next month), mother of 2. That's it! I have accomplished almost nothing in the 26 years of my life! I'm not even a college graduate! I feel kind of loserish! Oh well, I'm working on it. Hopefully soon I will have a degree and career! Ugh!
Anyway, I don't really know what else is going on... The kids are teething hard core! SUPER clingy and cranky! Can't take B anywhere without him having a melt down anymore! I took him out with me today and he started throwing a fit in Menard's.
OH! Catie bit me! HARD! I had a blanket on and she bit through the blanket! Almost broke skin! Seriously came close to breaking skin! Then less than 20 minutes later B bit me on the same leg! So I have two marks on my leg from both my kids biting me!
Alright, well I felt guilty for not updating for a while! So I decided I needed to get on here and update! I Should be doing Marketing homework. Oh well I'll work on it tomorrow, then go to class and come home and work on it more if I need to. It's due Wednesday and then I have to respond on 4 other people's posts by Friday and also do another post by Friday and respond to 4 more people's on that post by Sunday! And add some marketing crap in there too! UGH! Can we say no life for the next 7 weeks!?!?! Come on October 2nd! I'm just waiting to get an e-mail saying my student loan overpayment has been deposited! I need to pay some bills!
anyway, enough with the random babbling!
night all!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

more randomness

My babies turned 15 months old yesterday! I can not believe they are walking around and talking in their own little language already! It is just crazy how fast my babies have grown! I can't help but wonder what they are going to be like! What their little voices will sound like when they can put words together for everyone else to understand. What kind of people they will grow up to be. I'm sure these are thoughts that go through any parent's mind from time to time... It's just crazy, I don't think the reality that I'm a mom has fully sunk in my brain yet. You would think that a FULL 40 weeks of being pregnant and 15 months and 1 day actually being with my kids, the reality of the matter would have sunk in by now.
So here is something most people would find strange I think... It really bugs me, when people talk about my kids as "The Twins" I don't know why it bugs me so much... I very rarely ever said I'm having twins, when I was pregnant. I wonder if all parents of multiples feel this way or if it is just me. It just seems that when you refer to them as twins, you kind of take the individuality away from them. So what, they were born the same day! They are still Catie and Brian. I don't know if makes any sense to anyone else...
So this weekend is a busy weekend. I have a baby shower that Sonya and I are planning for our friend Tennille. Brian's mom and brother and his girlfriend are coming down we thing, and I have a wedding reception and bachlorette party to go to! All on Saturday! Shew! Having and evening out will be nice but I don't know if I'm going to feel up to going out that night after a long day! We will see.
School starts next week... Blah! I'm so tired of it! I need to get in and talk to my councilor and make sure they can do my audit for my degree that I really only have 2 more semesters for my Associates degree. That is if I can pass my accounting class this time... I took it online, and that was NOT a good idea! So Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next 8 weeks I have to go sit in a stupid class from 8 -10:30 pm Yuck! Then again the semester after that for Accounting 2! UGH! But after that semester I should have my first college degree! YAAA! Then on to the bachelors degree... But by the time it is all said and done I will have my associates and bachelors degrees in, are you ready for this?? Human resource management, Business Management, and Marketing! Yes, that is three majors! It is really not that big of a deal, it is an additional like 3 classes maybe because they all have mostly the same core classes... anyway, I guess that is enough random thoughts for now... I might try to put up some more pictures on here in a bit... Maybe now... Night all!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

a few random pictures of the kids...

We spent the day in Aunt Lynn's pool! The kids and I had a nice time!

My adorable 14 month old babies! :)

Brian acting all shy :) Catie telling me what's going on! :)

Some random thoughts...

Hello again! I'm so glad that my text message/email post worked of that video! It was just a trial run to see if it would work! B is such a little dare devil! He cracks me up! He thinks he is hot stuff now that he has figured out how to jump! So funny. He is finally starting to sleep better. There for a while he was having night terrors. He would just wake up screaming but still be asleep. It was crazy! Most of the time he was pretty easy to calm down but sometimes he wouldn't calm down for nothing. Now we are into the hard core teething. This is making my life miserable! Wine wine, wine, wine, cry, scream, cry, laugh, wine, wine, and cry! That is what my day is like! It really wears ya down!
Brian is still unemployed... Really really really really hope that the post office calls soon! I can't wait to get back into my daily routine with the kids. Having him home is nice but, we need the money! I'm looking for a job too. I think it is time that I would be comfortable enough to put the kids into daycare. They are old enough now to be able to get up an move around, I don't have to worry as much about them being put in a play pin and left all day. A part time benefit eligible job for me would be ideal! That way we could have our health insurance and my kids would still be able to spend most of the week with me. They would also get some social time with other kids at a daycare.
Other than the job search, and fussy kids, not a lot has been going on. The kids are growing so fast! B can eat so much! B and Catie sat down when I was making dinner and they ate TWO tomatoes all by themselves! They take after their momma! I love me some fresh garden tomatoes! They used to eat cucumbers really well too but kind of here lately haven't been eating them very well. There really isn't one thing that Catie loves to eat... Brian LOVES tomatoes and bananas! That kid can put a banana away! Catie doesn't care for bananas... They both LOVE pizza!
I can't believe that my babies aren't babies so much any more. It makes me sad. With two I feel like I missed so much of them being babies. I am very happy that I got to stay home with them this long! I don't think I would have done well having to put them in daycare.
Catie is very independent. She will sit and play by herself a lot. She is quiet and so loving. Brian, is my needy baby. He never wants anyone to go out of site! If you leave the room he cries. So sweet and soft hearted. I love my little man! :) I don't know what I would do with out my babies! I love them!
Anyway, enough of my rambling!
I think I will go to bed! Night all!
Brian, Leslie, Catie, & Brian III