Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pictures! Finally!!!! Sorry everyone!

it's been a long time!

Sorry it has been so long! I actually forgot about this! Life has been crazy the past few months! Sooo let's see... what has been going on...?
Well, the babies are here and doing great. They are getting so big! I can't believe it will be 6 months in just a couple weeks! Yes that's how long it has been since I updated this thing!

Brian is a chunk! he is 16 pounds and wants to eat anything and everything! He gives us this look when he sees we have food. Like if I could figure this walking thing out, I would sooo come steal that from you! He has also mastered the art of spitting... Yes, on a daily basis, I'm covered in some sort of baby food.... It's wonderful let me tell ya!

Catie, she is like 12 pounds. So small and dainty! She doesn't eat quite as much as Brian but, still likes to eat! She is such a good baby! Happy most of the time! I just wish we could get her to sleep all night! It's getting better though, most of the time we are down to her getting up once a night around 2:30-3:30 then again around 5-6 so not so bad. I'm usually up by then anyway with the little kids I babysit anyway.

I am getting ready to start school again. I've been thru one semester since I've had the babies. Twice a week from 8-10:30, I must say, I was iffy about taking an in seat class, but I actually enjoy the time away! Does that make me a bad mom? I think it is good for Brian to spend some one on one, well, I guess one on two time with the babies... :)

Anyway, Other then them growing like crazy that's pretty much it... I will try to do a better job keeping this updated! Hope everyone is well!
Lots of love!
Brian, Leslie, Catie, & Brian III