Sunday, September 16, 2012

Then and now

So tomorrow Brian and I have been married 7 years! I can't believe it... In the last seven years we have:
1. Bought a house
2. Had 2 kids
3. Bought a fish- this is actually our 3rd fish... I got one for my birthday a few years ago pre-kids and then someone fed it sugar cookie and beer and he died... It wasn't me! We had friends over and the next day the water had cookie floating in it and smelled like beer.... Then Hockey 1 got "sick" and daddy had to take him to the "doctor"...
4. Bought a few different vehicles

I have changed a LOT in the last 7 years as well. I used to not care about sports really. Now I'll watch football even if Brian isn't home!

So, My friend Hannah gave me the idea to take one of those silly e-mail/facebook posts of things you've done and redo it a few years later. So here it goes! This one was done in October 2009. Only 3 years ago but it's all I could find!

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? 
French Fry 
2. Where was your profile picture taken? 
Gov. Garden 
My living room for my FB picture and I think this profile picture was taken at maybe BD's in Kansas City...

3. Can you play Guitatr Hero? 
Yes, but I suck at it! 
We are going to go with the same answer... I haven't played in forever so still pretty sure I suck! 
4. Name someone who made you laugh today. 
Brian III and Catie 
My momma

5. How late did you stay up last night and why? 
umm I think it was around 11... We were watching Football

6. If you could move somewhere else, would you? 
Probaby San Diego, just cause, there's a beach and it's warmer! And Brian really really wants to move back there... 
Same answer :) 

7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? 
Still thinking probably... 

8. Which of your friends lives closest to you? 
Sonya and Tennielle are probably about tied. 
Same answer we all still live in the same place! 

9. Do you believe ex's can be friends? 
Sure! I'm still friends with a couple of mine it took a while but live and learn! :) 

10. How do you feel about Dr Pepper? 
Probably my favorite! 

11. When was the last time you cried really hard? 
Yesterday morning :( 
Umm... It's been a few weeks. 

12. Who took your profile picture? 
Brian or Tennielle can't remember 
FB-Me This one- Sonya I think

13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? 
Catie, she was sitting up all by herself, she soon fell over but she had it for a little while! 
Aww this answer made me smile... :) ^ I don't know who the last person I took a picture was... Maybe myself!

14. Was yesterday better than today? 
Well yesterday was a pretty good day... 

15. Can you live a day without TV? 
Probably, just don't. 
As long as I have my phone! I gotta have contact with the outside world somehow! 

16. Are you upset about anything? 
not at the moment 
Other than the kids being little buttheads! 

17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? 
Sure, why not who wants to be alone! 
Of course
18. Are you a bad influence? 
I don't think so anymore... ;) 
19. Night out or night in? 
Like a good balance of both. 
I'd really rather stay in... If we don't have the kids then out is fine. 

20. What items could you not go without during the day? 
My phone! It's my only contact with the outside world!! 
^ yeah pretty much! 

21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? 
ummm, my baby boy i think. 
Hummm... That's a hard one... I don't remember... Probably someone who had a baby. Lynn maybe.
22. What does the last text message in your in-box say? 
Sure! (From Kacie) 
"At Taos" From my mom

23. How do you feel about your life right now? 
It's fair to partly cloudy with promise of sunshine on the horizon. ( really like this answer Aunt Linda!) 
I still like that answer! I'd feel better if I could find a dang job! 

24. Do you hate anyone? 
I don't hate anyone anymore! :) Let by gones be by gones! 

25. If we were to look in your Facebook inbox, what would we find? 
Messages from family and friends. 
Probably about the same! 

26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? 
Pretty sure... Unless I have taken something I'm not aware of, guess it's always a possibility... Crazy people out there putting crazy things in stuff you buy! 
Yep, sure would! 

27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? 
Yeah, but I'm far from that! Just ask my husband! 
Sure I guess... 

28. What song is stuck in your head? 
The phenieus and ferb theme song, thanks to Brian he has been singing it since it was on TV. (Great Cartoon by the way! It's on Disney) 
Umm some song from a commercial on tv.

29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be? 
Better not be anyone! I'm sleeping at 2:00 a.m. 
Yeah Pretty much what 2009 me said! 

30. Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? 
Umm.. The jury is out on this one! My kids drive me crazy right now.... I don't know if I could handle grandkids! 

31. Name something you have to do tomorrow. 

32. Do you think too much or too little? 
To much!
TO much and always the worst! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I am really bad at this blogging thing...

Well, where to start?!?! Geez, I'm not so good at remembering to post on here! The kids are 3 now. We had a Jake and the Neverland Pirates party for them. It was a lot of fun! They are in to EVERYTHING! They scream and fight daily, almost hourly, sometimes all day long! They make me want to pull my hair out at times but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I love my mornings when Brian has to work and Bear comes in and asks if he can sleep in my bed. He crawls up in Daddy's spot and smiles. He usually passes in a matter of seconds then I get hit and kicked all morning long until I finally decide I've had enough abuse and get up. Sometimes Catie joins us in our morning snuggles.

I put in a garden this year. Brian built me a raised garden bed and I have tomatoes, beans, carrots, cucumbers, red hot peppers, and lettuce. I think I planted the lettuce to late and it isn't going to make anything because it is way to hot here... I got 3 cucumbers, but again, it is to hot and they are wilting. I don't think I will get much more from them. My bean plants are big and nice but they aren't producing any beans... I have lots of tomatoes on but they refuse to get ripe!

Brian hurt his back last month and couldn't work for a few weeks. He is finally feeling better thank goodness. It is still bothering him, but at least he can move and play with the kids again. They didn't understand why Daddy couldn't play with them. If Brian says it hurts and starts taking medicine you know it is bad! He never takes medicine and he was downing the meds as often as I would let him.

I start my last semester of school, my last 2 undergrad classes in about a month. I'm so ready to be done! I didn't have the money to take them during the summer semester or I'd be done in less than 2 weeks! I haven't decided if I want to "walk" during the December ceremony or not. I figure it isn't like I made a ton of friends, and would get to walk and celebrate the day with fellow classmates. I don't think I know even one person who would be graduating with me. Brian wants me to. He says that I've finally accomplished my goal and this is something that I need to do. But all I need is the piece of paper saying I'm a college graduate. If he wants to plan a party ( he better!) then he can in October when I'm finally done and get the piece of paper. I don't know why I should take part in the ceremony really. I don't know, I'm still going back and forth on it. It would be nice to get some pictures in the whole cap and gown with my family.

Anyway, this is July. I can't believe it is July already. In September Brian and I have been married for 7 years! It is kind of funny, no one thought we would make it 6 months, and here we are almost 7 years later! Now I'm sure there were some positive thinkers, don't get me wrong, and those who had their doubts but were still had their hopes that we could make it. But I know the majority didn't think we had a chance. Especially those who knew Brian before he met me! :)

Brian and I never really sugar coat anything.  I'm a confrontational type and Brian is not so much. He is the walk away and cool down, and I'm the lets get this all out right now while it is fresh and be done with it. We really don't fight as much as we used to the first couple years. We had a quite a few issues at first. Now we have hashed that all out and focus more on the kids and just getting through the day to day trials and tribulations. I think fighting is good for a marriage. Maybe not as much or as severe as our fights were the first couple years, but we had a lot more going on than I think a lot of young couples have. Anyways, I'm going to stop there because one I don't want to get into our old dirty laundry, and I could talk about this for ever. I think for my first blog entry in close to a year, I have done a pretty good job. Hopefully I can keep it up!           

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's been about a year...

Wow I can't believe it has been a year this month since I last posted something! I downloaded an app so maybe I can stay on this blogging thing....
What's been going on...
*The kids are now almost 2 1/2.. Crazy to think they are that old!
*I sent my resume in for my first job in over 2 years... I haven't heard anything back yet. I don't really expect to really.
*Brian is working at the post office.
* I'm less than a year from being done with school! I made the Dean's list last semester... Might make it again this semester...

That's really the sum of things... Now that I have a app I will try to be better at this whole blogging thing... I just never think about it... If I'm on the computer, I'm doing homework then I got to bed!
I hope everyone is well!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


just a fast update since I haven't been on here in forever! It is starting week 7 of school! Only 2 weeks left! Thank goodness!
Catie is doing well. Had a few rough nights, but last night was back to normal. I hope it stays that way!
B, is still a dare devil! They are both getting tons of teeth! And walking and running and jabbering like crazy!
Brian has to go take a test for a job at the post office tomorrow. Hopefully he does well and gets a call for a job soon!
Other than that not much going on! Friday was Brian and my 5 year anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long already! It seems like forever too though. Anyway, maybe in 2 weeks when school is over I will find the time to update more regularly! Hope everyone is well!
Leslie :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Some more randomness

I don't really have much to say... Just thought I should check in! Starting week 3 of school! That means next week I'm half way through! Yaaaa!
Mom and dad kept the kids Friday night! It was strange not having them around! Very quiet! A much needed break though! Then we got the kids back Saturday when we went up to Parker's birthday party. Lynn did such a good job with his party! She is such a cool mom! She got this HUGE bounce house! Brian LOVED it! Catie wasn't to steady on her feet in it but B was jumping and having a great time! Then to many big kids got in it and that was just to dangerous for my taste so they had to get out! But it was fun while it lasted! Then we put them in the pool for a little while. They had fun! They were super tired by the time we were headed home. B was melting down and then screamed most of the way home from Boonville. It was a pretty miserable trip home! But I missed them!
Anyway, That's really all that has been going on! I seriously need to clean house but have no energy to do it! I've been working a little on the bathrooms so it's slowly getting there. I did some dishes tonight too.
We watched Chase, Parker, & Brayden tonight too. It was fun. They are pretty good kids! I wish we got to spend more time with them! But they live all the way in Boonville and that's a long way to drive when you have no money!
Alright, well that's pretty much a sum up of the weekend!
I think I will go to bed! Night all!

Monday, August 16, 2010

15 month Pictures

Ok so I know I want to Blow some of these up I'm thinking one of each kid, the family picture, and maybe one of the kids together... I LOVE the one with the both of them and the stairs and stuff in the background (the last one I think). But I need help deciding what ones to get big, and how big to get them! So please give me input!