Saturday, July 7, 2012

I am really bad at this blogging thing...

Well, where to start?!?! Geez, I'm not so good at remembering to post on here! The kids are 3 now. We had a Jake and the Neverland Pirates party for them. It was a lot of fun! They are in to EVERYTHING! They scream and fight daily, almost hourly, sometimes all day long! They make me want to pull my hair out at times but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I love my mornings when Brian has to work and Bear comes in and asks if he can sleep in my bed. He crawls up in Daddy's spot and smiles. He usually passes in a matter of seconds then I get hit and kicked all morning long until I finally decide I've had enough abuse and get up. Sometimes Catie joins us in our morning snuggles.

I put in a garden this year. Brian built me a raised garden bed and I have tomatoes, beans, carrots, cucumbers, red hot peppers, and lettuce. I think I planted the lettuce to late and it isn't going to make anything because it is way to hot here... I got 3 cucumbers, but again, it is to hot and they are wilting. I don't think I will get much more from them. My bean plants are big and nice but they aren't producing any beans... I have lots of tomatoes on but they refuse to get ripe!

Brian hurt his back last month and couldn't work for a few weeks. He is finally feeling better thank goodness. It is still bothering him, but at least he can move and play with the kids again. They didn't understand why Daddy couldn't play with them. If Brian says it hurts and starts taking medicine you know it is bad! He never takes medicine and he was downing the meds as often as I would let him.

I start my last semester of school, my last 2 undergrad classes in about a month. I'm so ready to be done! I didn't have the money to take them during the summer semester or I'd be done in less than 2 weeks! I haven't decided if I want to "walk" during the December ceremony or not. I figure it isn't like I made a ton of friends, and would get to walk and celebrate the day with fellow classmates. I don't think I know even one person who would be graduating with me. Brian wants me to. He says that I've finally accomplished my goal and this is something that I need to do. But all I need is the piece of paper saying I'm a college graduate. If he wants to plan a party ( he better!) then he can in October when I'm finally done and get the piece of paper. I don't know why I should take part in the ceremony really. I don't know, I'm still going back and forth on it. It would be nice to get some pictures in the whole cap and gown with my family.

Anyway, this is July. I can't believe it is July already. In September Brian and I have been married for 7 years! It is kind of funny, no one thought we would make it 6 months, and here we are almost 7 years later! Now I'm sure there were some positive thinkers, don't get me wrong, and those who had their doubts but were still had their hopes that we could make it. But I know the majority didn't think we had a chance. Especially those who knew Brian before he met me! :)

Brian and I never really sugar coat anything.  I'm a confrontational type and Brian is not so much. He is the walk away and cool down, and I'm the lets get this all out right now while it is fresh and be done with it. We really don't fight as much as we used to the first couple years. We had a quite a few issues at first. Now we have hashed that all out and focus more on the kids and just getting through the day to day trials and tribulations. I think fighting is good for a marriage. Maybe not as much or as severe as our fights were the first couple years, but we had a lot more going on than I think a lot of young couples have. Anyways, I'm going to stop there because one I don't want to get into our old dirty laundry, and I could talk about this for ever. I think for my first blog entry in close to a year, I have done a pretty good job. Hopefully I can keep it up!           

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